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Vibrant & unconventional culture

Energy is a fundamental need, and it ignites development in our society. We understand the urgency to adopt cleaner energy sources to 100% and while we accelerate this transition, we strive to excel at doing so respectfully and responsibly.

To get there, we have a vibrant and unconventional culture. It is not only our great people who make Atlas succeed but also the unique way our people come together as a community united by purpose, key values, and core behaviors. Moreover, we steadily increase our diversity, thus bringing value and fostering a more innovative, invigorating, and collaborative organization. All of this constitutes what we call our Atlas DNA.

People fuel our energy

In our journey to be a force for good, we strive to attract and hire the best human beings that also excel at what they do. We value excellence, collaboration, integrity, inclusion, innovation, and passion.

Our motto is “People working together for a common purpose is what makes Atlas succeed.” We pride ourselves on having great people working together as a community where our diversity brings value and fosters a more innovative, invigorating, creative, collaborative, and thriving organization.

Living our values

Our values define us and guide us. Joining the Atlas community means aligning with our purpose and core behaviors and fostering a more innovative and collaborative organization.


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